Save Your Marriage With Unconditional Love

Save Your Marriage With Unconditional Love

What are the essential ingredients of an ideal relationship?

Recently, in the middle of a seminar, a relevant question was asked about what creates the ideal relationship. We were asked to think of a relationship we had with last week with something that, in mind, was the ideal relationship, and to think about the nature of that relationship that made it ideal.

A number of men in the group thought of their cars, their tools, their families, their colleagues, their old friends or even their relationships with objects such as the TV remote control, the reclining chair or their favorite pair of shoes. For each of these men, these things seemed comfortable and simple. The relationships they had with these people or objects were rewarding and easy to maintain.

A number of women considered kitchen appliances, their favorite clothes or shoes, their long-time friends, neighbors and precious objects in their lives, as well as the connection they had created between people or objects they used. Words have been used as reliable, reliable and comforting.

When my turn came to identify my ideal relationship, I thought of my dog. My dog ​​has very simple needs, which require only food, accommodation, and love. Whatever my day or mood, when I come home in the evening and I am received in such an authentic, transparent and enthusiastic way. My dog ​​is always excited to see me and it's very humbling when you consider it.

I don't know of other people who greet me with such enthusiasm night after night. No matter how long I've been away from home or no matter how busy my day was. His needs are few, but he gives so much. I call this unconditional love.

So what is unconditional love?

Unconditional love is the kind of love that comes without conditions. This is the kind of love you have for your partner when the romantic Hollywood-style love has disappeared. Once romantic love is gone, make the transition to "true" love. True love is the love you have for your partner, even if they know they are not perfect.

Now you know your spouse has flaws. You know your spouse is not perfect. You know your spouse sometimes makes mistakes, but it doesn't matter. You still love them. You love your spouse because of these imperfections rather than despite them.

It is unconditional love.

The same thing applies to you when you look at your partner's mistakes. Recognize that you are the same. You have flaws. You're not perfect. You know that sometimes you make mistakes, but that's okay. It is called self-acceptance and you expect unconditional love to overcome the defects and imperfections that people have.

So what do you get from that then? Should we all go out and convince dogs to teach us something about unconditional love? Maybe there's a lesson here. We all clutter up our lives with thoughts and emotions, trials and tribulations, and we are tempted to make our problems worse and govern our lives.

If you really want to save your marriage, it is essential to find ways to put aside emotional disorder and let go of your unconditional love. It's nice to have mistakes and make mistakes. It's nice to have thoughts and feelings. But above all, it is the love you have for your spouse, the love you have for the other. And love will conquer them all.

It is possible not to love one's spouse or not to love what one does and love him anyway. You may not love your life or your marriage but still, love your spouse. The love you have for your spouse and your marriage can remain constant.

It's time to learn to reconnect with your purpose in life and learn to love unconditionally.

This article is offered by Save My Marriage Today.

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