Hippolytus of Rome 13 August Full Detail
Hippolytus of Rome Hippolytus of Rome (170-235 AD) was one of the most important theologians of the third century in the church of Rome, where he was probably born. Constantinople Photios I described in the Bibliotheca (code 121) as a follower of Irenaeus, which is said to be a follower of Policarpo, and context of this passage is assumed to be called Ippolito. However, this statement is questionable. He came into conflict with the popes of his time and seems to have led a schismatic group as a rival to the bishop of Rome. He resisted the Roman bishops who softened the penitentiary system to accommodate a large number of new heathen converts. He, however, most likely reconciled himself to the church when he died as a martyr. From the fourth century AD, several legends arose around him, who identified him as a priest of the starting schism or the soldier converted by Saint-Laurent. He was also confused with another martyr with the same name. Pius IV identifies him as "St. ...